I Have My Dream

Inspired by the work and life of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., I Have A Dream, and the movie Selma.
2015, Piper Lauri Salogga

I have my dream 
of a heart, 
all hearts, 
felt and healed, 
seen and heard. 

I have my dream 
of the bodies 
with souls, mine 
and yours, all of ours,
inspired roots 
of initial innocence
presented in 
so many delightful
shapes and colors,
backgrounds, so many 
different expressions,
languages, beliefs and rituals, 
so many varied actions, 
work and play –  
all great souls living 
upon this mighty 
and magical earth –  

my dream is for celebration, 
our joyous recognition,
uniqueness, compassion 
and curiosity 
to know and be known; 
what we hold precious, 
valuable, important. 
A blessing, us all.

On behalf of Life, 
I have my dream.

A dream of listening 
and feeling the magic, 
a dream of expanse, open 
to seeing and tasting,
delighting treasures,
the scents of heaven 
and earth’s riches, 
sublime Largess of Life.

A dream of touching 
that is moved by love, 
the love from knowing, 
trusting the unending 
bounty in and among us, 
all of us, everywhere.

I have my dream 
that the fear, 
imaginings of scarcity 
that plague us, 
have plagued us since 
we tried to own, 
own the land and its gifts, 
own the people, 
our people, 
(we are all people 
of the same beginning 
into birth),

tried to own what was 
never ours and never 
will be ours to own,
I have my dream of freedom 
from fear’s dark 
and greedy grips,
a dream of releasing
the coveting, 
a dream of sharing,
what was always
meant to share.

Can we not, we 
bright at heart, 
feeling humans,
can we not let 
this plentiful, abundant, 
creative and plethoric pulse, 
this growing of Life in 
and around us everywhere,
can we not let It free us, 
free us from our fears, at last? 

Is that too much to ask?

To know the beauty 
that surrounds us all, 
even in the seemingly 
dire and desolate places, 
even in the over-bought, 
overwrought with material 
bandages, even in 
the strife and fight, 
can we not know 
the light that is always 
present, somewhere, 
if we effort to see?

To look, listen, venture 
to find It, 
wanting to feel It, 
this beauty, this bounty, 
this lifting from the lost… 
Every chosen turn 
It is waiting for 
your gaze to grace…
Are you willing?
Are we willing as a human race?

Can we, each of us 
taking responsibility, 
can we not let Its love,
Its enigmatic energy,
contagious, uncontained,
creative, uncontrollable force
seep into every cell 
of our being, carrying us 
on its sure, 
abundant journey?

Can we not let down
the need for destruction,
tension, trying to control 
creation to our misguided 
benefit? Can we not 
simply, gratefully step 
into the many, 
many generosities
already here, created 
for us all to share?

Yes, I have my dream, 
that all beings will know, 
will feel, will act 
from this well of love, 
and Life, and live from 
fear no more.  For, 

when hearts 
and wells are full 
upon the asking,
the wanting,
the needing, 
when the bodies know 
from their souls’ connection, 
safe and sound, 
they will trust
and freedom, 
freedom from all 
that constrains 
and tempts us, 
from desperate beliefs 
of not enough,
freedom will truly ring!

I have my dream.

Will you join 
in this dream
with me?

To Living Sensual,

xo Piper